It’s Time To Analyze Your Inner Boogyman..He Got You Yet?

Steph Wynne
2 min readMar 21, 2020


With All The CoVid Drama… Here Come Our Fears…

They’re coming to get you! Photo By NomadSoul1 via my envato/elements

What does your inner boogyman look like? Has he or she appeared and tortured you yet? Has your worse nightmare happened? Probably not, but it’s a good time to analyze your fears…your inner boogyman.

I know you are full of anxiety and maybe even denial about the state of the world, however there is a lot of good in shutting it all down. We all need to stop and breathe…perhaps take a walk.

Perhaps leave the phone off and in your pocket if you must have it with you. Feel the rain drops… enjoy the heat of the sun…make a snow ball…most of all come to terms with what you fear most and then tell your boogyman to take a fu#kin’ hike!

Don’t let a fictitious character that you conjured up in your own mind give you sleepless nights. Vow now to say FU boogyman you ain’t even real! Don’t let past movie images in your head play out in your life.

Take this time off to enjoy your family and friends or just time with yourself and if the boogyman avatar sits on your left shoulder whispering evil thoughts of despair or of things that could happen, on the other shoulder create an avatar that represents good thoughts and then go shank the boogyman in the gut…

just sayin…



Steph Wynne
Steph Wynne

Written by Steph Wynne

Business Entrepreneur, Writer, Author, Filmmaker, Web Designer

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