DuckDuckGo Is A New Browser That Doesn’t Track You Like Google.
I’m all in for a new web browser. I never got into Firefox so I thought I’d give DDG a try. I like that fact that they proclaim to keep all my surfing private, plus the navigation is smooth and I like the cheezy duck.
I didn’t have to download an app and I attached a google extension so that I can surf without changing my bookmarks. It took all of ten seconds! I like DDG and will support the browser. I checked their stats and they’re rising like a hot cake! I think they’re private, but if not I will probably buy DDG stock because google has sold out (but I need them) and eventually will lose surfers to companies like DDG as more people jump ship due to privacy.
I’m at a place where I want my privacy back and companies like DDG understand what’s happening. We are walking on egg shells with social media ready to scramble your eggs if you slip up and fall into a hellfire of trolls, leprechauns and frogs. You know what I mean…
Anyway kudos to DDG for going against Google I love a company who puts up a fight!
Update 6/20/2019
Google is Netflix and DuckDuck is Roku. I like Duck because I don’t see all the extra ad stuff, but my searches seem limited. Duck seems to have an algorithm that rides on Google like a baby library that must get info from the mother of libraries.
I’ll still use Duck but I did have the thought Google is better and it should be as they have been on the scene longer.