If You Read This You Will Go To Straight HELL !! I Warned You!!
So you don’t mind going to hell?yay!
I just found out about copywriting and I can’t believe I didn’t know about it all the years I’ve been writing. So it’s about a headline, right? Of course, there’s more to it, but I just found out about Gary Halbert and he was the man when it came copywriting headlines and a lot of people copied him.
I’ve been an unconscious competent when it comes to copywriting. I even use © Copyright 2019 on my websites and I was so blind but now I can SEE! OMG copywriting is right up my alley and I can’t wait to test it!
If you still don’t know what I’m talking about here’s some old school cheezy headlines.
To me, this is a gold mine! All this time I’ve been writing cheezy headlines but now I have a purpose to those cheezy headlines! Russell Brunson of Click Funnels was trying to sell something and he mentioned Gary’s name in passing and I did a search and FOUND GOLD!
If you are a writer and don’t know about copywriting I see your future of writing falling into a black pit of no return!