Is Santa A Burglar, Pimp and Pervert? An Observation
Seriously. Think about it. What grown man would want to dress up like that? Now there’s Santa Clause’s worldwide in all hues.
I’m not trying to offend men who pose as Santa for the Holidays this is just an observation. Make your money fellas!
Seriously have you ever really paid attention to the lyrics? I don’t have to write them cuz you probably already know.
My Sister calls Santa a burglar and I agree. Think about it, a fat white man in a red suit coming through your chimney (if you got one) with a bag of shit? Where did he get that shit? Maybe that MF stole if from someone else so yes he could be considered a burglar. He can’t slip down a chimney with a bag of shit but with an empty bag I suppose he could. Mo-les the kids, have a cigarette, eat, steal their toys and walk out the front door.
Per the story Santa had some elves build the stuff and he didn’t pay them wages nor did he pay the IRS employment taxes…I supposed Santa would have expenses too and could write the items given as gifts — but it’s burglary never the less. Burglary is a stiff crime and comes with a stiff penalty so how can Santa be supported? Oh I forgot he’s pimping Networks with the Christmas and Music shows that get ya right in the mood!
How many years have you, your parents, your great grandparents etc. have bought gifts and then gave all the credit to Santa? Has Santa been pimpin’ you for years? Generations? Folks celebrate Santa around the world and people ain’t never met ’em! That’s hilarious, no this is actually serious!
Is Santa a pervert? Got kids sitting on his lap, probably getting a grind on! OMG all these years somebody could be getting paid $50 to grind on your kids and millions of kids around the world! That’s hilarious, no this is serious. Santa’s around the world probably can’t wait for Christmas! “Come on ova here to Santa baby.” For some families maybe he was nice. Sneaking into their homes, mo-lessing the kids and leaving them gifts out of guilt.
Is Santa’s image and story economic mind control? Who is this guy Santa and how does he get away with burglary, pimping and grinding on kids. Oh Steph he’s just a fantasy figure that the kids have fun with. Really? I see adults more into Santa. You can let that fat out of shape individual dress up in a dirty stained red suit with your two year old if you want to.
Don’t get mad if I offended your Santa or that I must’ve had something bad happen to me as a child…nah cuz there neva was a Santa in my house cuz he didn’t fit the profile. I’m not a Santa or Holiday hater just an observer.