Is there Land Beyond the South and North Poles? Yes! The Man Who Knew Too Much…

Steph Wynne
6 min readDec 21, 2018


The facts:

From Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s diary February 19, 1947 “I’d like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown!” (was written before his 7-hour flight beyond the North Pole)

Update 1/16/21 — I never researched Hitler but I just found out the world believes he died in a fire and a 75 year old Jewish guy told me that. I was like WTF you believe that? Well Steph they found his teeth…whatever.

Anyway apparently the Hitman (Hitler) had his own UFO’s and was doing some stuff in the South Pole.

For me the picture is becoming clearer especially after going to Sedona, Arizona and looking into the night sky with military grade green goggles and seeing convoys of UFO’s.

I was like WTF, and then I looked away from the skies as we have major activity above. I saw this glowing object and it was huge based on the size of those creepy Arizona red structures, not mountains or hills.

I took the goggles off and I see only blackness, I put them back on and see this creepy large glowing object larger than an airplane. Maybe the size of a 10 story building.

So I told the tour guide and he looked and said what the heck is that. The other people there didn’t pay attention. I started to look around me and with everything green and lit up I decided I better take them off because I may see something I don’t want to see that could forever be in my memory bank.

Yep I’ll stay in this dimension….

  1. Updated 4/20/20 In mid-1947, a United States Army Air Forces balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Following the wide initial interest in the crashed “flying disc”, the US military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon..but we know different…
  2. Central Intelligence Agency created on September 18, 1947

3. Department of Defense created December 18, 1947

3a. 12/3/20 Update — Bryd’s boss, James Forrestal a United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense started to talk after he retired. They placed him in a government looney bin and he allegedly committed suicide by jumping out of a 16 story window in May 1949.

4. National Security Agency Founded by President Truman November 4, 1952

5. Admiral Bird establishes Satellite base at the South Pole April 1955

6. On January 13, 1956, the Admiral and his crew flew 2,300 miles overland beyond the South Pole and Byrd said he saw a “different type of land.”

7. Admiral Richard E. Byrd died July 11, 1957, of a “Heart ailment

8. NASA founded by President Eisenhower on July 29, 1958,

What was going on in the world that all these agencies were created within a decade? One man’s name: Admiral Richard E. Byrd.

A few years back I saw a video on Admiral Byrd and he was talking about the North and South Poles. At the time I didn’t know they wanted to shut him up as he had a fine time talking about his expeditions on the Longines Chronoscope Talk Show.

I’m writing this article now because I was listening to Dr. Phil Valentine talk about the earth and then he brought up the name F. Amadeo Giannini who wrote the book Worlds Beyond the Poles and mentions Admiral Byrd.

I searched Giannini on Amazon and read some reviews that are mixed as Giannini proposes that beyond both the North and South Poles is land the size of North and South America and has no end to it.

Now I’m interested and feel like a reporter as I begin to dig. I got things to do but I felt compelled to write this article. Maybe it could be Richard’s picture looking at me.

Admiral Byrd once said “that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery!” he was dead after he said this in 1957. What did he mean? Admiral Richard E. Byrd died July 11, 1957, of a “Heart ailment.”

Was he talking too much and the government didn’t want the world to know about the land beyond the Poles for security purposes? Was it because the discovery existed inside the earth and not on the earth’s outer crust where we live? (It’s hard for me to comprehend the inner and out crust of the earth).

The man who knew too much — Admiral Richard E. Byrd — Photo via USA archives

The Admiral also said that the South polar expedition is “the most important in the history of the world. On January 13, 1956 the Admiral and his crew flew 2,300 miles over land beyond the South Pole and Byrd said he saw a “different type of land.” He said that he thought it would only be snow and ice but was surprised to see “endless land, mountains, forests, and a large mammoth animal.”

If it’s true per F. Amadeo Giannini that There is no physical end to the Earth’s northern and southern extent,” it makes me think about the flight pattern in that I don’t ever recall flying north or south just east and west…within the borders of this country, yes, but airlines don’t go over the water to the north or south and it seems it could be a short cut.

Is there more to our earth that scientists or the governments of the world aren’t telling us? Is there more land, trees, rivers, and animals somewhere past all the icebergs and ice we see in videos and pictures?

Are we isolated from “others” that are on this planet? Could it be we don’t know what’s beyond the ice? In Byrds diary February 19, 1947, he describes the arrival over the polar extremities at 1000 Hours:

“We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion.

There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!”

During the forties and fifties, there was a lot of strange stuff happening to keep the info secret…people died…search “December 1959 dangerous and top-secret Flying Saucer magazine.”

Apparently, the Government wanted people to think of the North and South poles as a place not habitable, freezing cold and definitely not a vacation spot. Could it be because Admiral Byrd briefed President Eisenhower and warned of a potential invasion and they tossed him into a mental institution?

Found a book by Michael X called The Rainbow City.

The Rainbow City is about a civilization that lives beyond the South Pole that apparently has rainbow waters (red, blue, green nice for an LSD sci-fi effect). Other people on this planet? What would that mean? Why did the media not talk about this much back then nor do they now? Could our maps be wrong? Is all land accounted for on earth? Is there land not on the world map?

My conclusion is that I believe that Admiral Byrd found something and the government wanted to shut him up. It seems the Poles aren’t on anyone’s radar and only see it as ice, but if what Admiral Byrd said is true (there are a few seconds of video on YouTube of the brown mountains and ice), then we might be on an endless “plane” and not a “planet”…a gulp…flat earth… with other people who don’t know about us and we don’t know about them? Or do we know about each other but can’t talk about it?

Was Admiral Richard E. Byrd the man who knew too much? Yep!



Steph Wynne
Steph Wynne

Written by Steph Wynne

Business Entrepreneur, Writer, Author, Filmmaker, Web Designer

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