Lakers got problems — Loyalty problems…more hardwork ahead for LeBron
I’m an NBA fan but I don’t watch the ball games, I just check out for stats and highlights. I can tell by tonights stats that the guys that were in the potential trade scenario for Anthony Davis didn’t give a damn about the game. They were like why should I give a F when you were gonna trade me away. I guess it’s like kicking out the old boyfriend or girlfriend for the new piece on the block.
So yes Magic and his sidekick got the boomerang in the mouth. What’s next now? I guess the guys are supposed to be professional and “shake” it off but it might be too late. I believe you must have passion and energy to stay in the hunt for the playoffs in the west, but it seems by tonights game with the Pacers it may have been zapped.
Of course the media I think blew it out of proportion. How you gonna trade half the team for one man? So now they gotta motivate the potential tradees back with the program and I think it’s an uphill battle. But! Lakerfans should rejoice in the fact that Magic and sidekick tried because oh yes I would love for LeBron and Davis to team up! I’ll bet you $10 Anthony Davis will be the first pick for LeBron for the All Star Game!
To change the subject to James Harden. I was thinking he really has heart and passion and I thought Westbrook was crazy but Harden gee! I was thinking when LeBron leaves the scene I might have to bandwagon over to wherever Harden is. But Kobe came out today and said that he didn’t think Harden’s style of play would win a championship and I guess he would know.
Anyway just some NBA thoughts…