Student Loan Paid! Finally!
Yay for me! Sad face for everyone who owes!
I remember decades ago when I said “FU I’m not paying back the loan when I didn’t use it.” But of course I did! I bought a car like everyone else who gets a student loan for the first time!
I went thru a lot with my loan from garnishment to having the IRS involved, but that was a long time ago and I’m sure some of those laws are gone.
I’m glad it’s over and I’m glad I paid.
If I owed thousands now in 2020 I would defer like crazy and pray they drop the loan over time.
I said the same thing. They’ll drop it over time, but when you deal with the Feds they don’t drop nothin’. They are like wild pet bulls set loose on you.
So if you decide to go the student loan route remember the word “loan” which means you will pay it back no matter what. Obviously there are some options out there too.
The word “grant” means you don’t pay it back for the most part.
Maybe one day you’ll get an email from the Navient woman above… with a few gray hairs and a couple of missing teeth! Ha!
Seriously good luck to you and if it gets tight out there for you they don’t get paid you hear me?
Just sayin’