Tell me about you
My top 10 life philosophies:
1. I care about planet earth. We only get one chance to live on the planet that I know of so I want Her taken care of. It bothers me when I see people litter, spit and just don’t give a damn about our Mother Earth. We can do better.
2. I can’t do everything alone, although I would like to sometimes. I may have my personal opinions about people, but at the end of the day we need each other so I put aside my petty differences and try to put my feet in the other person’s shoes thus I try to get along with everyone.
3. I love wild animals although I don’t have any pets. It bugs me that animals are locked up in a prison called a zoo! Let them ALL FREE! I feel like every bug, plant, animal, man and woman are all connected by the dirt we walk on everyday and should be free to live life as they wish.
4. I believe in a Higher Source as man did not create himself. I don’t believe a man crawled out of the water. What was one finger doing while the rest of the hand was in the ocean?
5. Children are special. I don’t have any but when I see the little ones I just coo because they truly are innocent and beautiful. One day I hope to inspire thousands of them…maybe millions. Ok I’m reaching…
6. The criminal justice system is not fair! One day I asked a client who was a Pubic Defender in downtown Los Angeles for 30 years, how many good judges does she know and she said “I can count them on one hand.” I was like what?? That means some people really are innocent and others really are guilty. That’s not fair!
7. I question everything even the very earth we live on. I don’t believe much of what scientists say especially the one’s that think we “exploded into existence” thus I feel the reality we live in somebody created outside of this earth. Based on plenty of photo evidence I don’t believe Buzz and the crew landed on the moon. Too many flaws…
8. I think family is important although I don’t have any here in Los Angeles except for my spouse. I am in a same gender relationship for 12 years and never thought I would be committed to another person so long. I am blessed and I love her.
9. Although bookkeeping and taxes pay the bills, I’m a highly creative person and have an extensive film and publishing background that has taken me to 4 of the 7 continents.
Can I have the job now sir?