The Government Owes You Nothing!
Note to self.
America is a capitalist country and technically everybody is on their own. However since America is so nice they will give aide to those that need it.
America gives aide because if not this country would not be a good place to live because the country would be separated into two classes.
Those two classes would be those that are broke with no life and those with money and no life. Those with money will have no life because there would be too many haters that work for them.
So here we are begging the government to help us. From small to large companies and I want mine too.
Some people will say hey I didn’t ask to be here or even on this earth. Speak to my parents! But yet here you are in America a capitalist country in 2020 so what are you gonna do?
Seriously the government owes you nothing. There are those without aspirations that want everyone to get the same income. Like socialist companies offer. This country is not about that.
This country is about making money and if the day comes where it doesn’t, we will look like the third world countries you point your finger at.
I’m just saying that you have to pull yourself up by the boot straps especially now!
The government owes you nothing and if you don’t keep educating yourself so you can make some cash life is going to look bleak.
These are my notes to self.