The Old World Is Gone…One Day We Will Wish We Had Those Days Back!
Nothing Will Ever Be The Same!
Well, at least the world infrastructure is still here….For now…So I guess I better be grateful!
Wowwww a double punch into our now blacken eyes!
They got us scurrying around like ants on a sugar hill! The whole world is being taken over and there is nothing we can do about it!
When the dust clears you will see I am right. When the dust clears it will be only one government and The Trump Card will be our last President.
Too far fetched for ya? Maybe…
They got us! I knew it was coming and I knew a virus was an option but I got caught up with my life like everyone else and got sucker-punched. We are in WWIII people! The powers that be are against the people of the world.
Some people thought it would come in the form of missiles, but no they don’t want to destroy the infrastructure…well not yet anyway…that will come in the future when they want hi-tech cities with no fat or poor people.
They got everybody, young and old, rich and poor, stars and athletes….We are here in the midst of the most important change in our lifetime and we are fighting for toilet paper and paper towels.
Really now people of the world, are we this dingy?
So let us see what happened?
A monkey or some other animal was eaten by a human (again) and now the world is infected (again). I guess it was the same monkey family that created AIDS.
It’s usually one of the same areas of the world to be blamed; Africa, China, Russia, Mexico or the Middle East take your pick as the animal could’ve been eaten in any of those countries…
Then the broken down TV media takes off like a rocket and since FaceBook is full of the voiceless wanting to be seen and heard the monkey animal virus disinformation spreads like wildfire with people saying all kinds of shit. Not knowing that they are helping the wildfire spread with fear.
Star actors and athletes pour gas on the wildfire with their virus confessions. One day people are dying and the next minute only a few. The point is the stars and athletes are still alive and well.
No one has all the facts…just as the elite planned…
You don’t think this whole virus fiasco was planned? Tsk tsk tsk remove the blinders and have another sip or toke…
Anyway, the media tells the fear-mongering, glued to social media, robotrons that they need paper goods to fiend off the virus. Ha! That was definitely the biggest red flag missed by shiploads of people.
Yes, this is REAL and that’s why we must step back and not spread the verbal fear because it’s our future too that we are CREATING for the youngsters.
It’s like a script. Don’t go outside. Don’t touch other people. Don’t sneeze at work or the whole office will go quiet. Don’t kiss your loved ones. Don’t hug your nieces and nephews and you’ll die a quick death if you hug a stranger…
Then we get to breathe before the storm by having us off work and at home in fear of each other…programming us…
Then they offer us some cash to calm our nerves. Cash works every time!
Then after they have trained our minds to be indoors, non-touching and non-social they open back up the world and we will automatically follow the subconscious program planted to keep us in line or get another virus…
Yes, people will die…and we all will sooner or later…so have no fear…but some people might have died even if the virus was not around…
This is the end of the old world as we know it and the ushering in of a new world, where bullshit won’t be tolerated by those with true power.
The world is crashing around me, but I’m sorta of excited because I see opportunities! Mega opportunities and behind the scenes I’m working! I guess work or be mad and broke.
One day we will long for the selfish, ungrateful old-world days of our now controlled American lives.
Just sayin’