United States of Indiasia
This story is inspired by an event that happened today that made me aware of why Donald Trump wants to put a lid on folks coming in from other countries. This story is not about hate or competition. This story is coming from the fact that if America keeps the doors open, that that “original citizens” of America are going to be left out in the cold.
Even though Black people, White people and Mexicans have had our issues over the years, the new players on the block, the people from Asia and India both with a billion people have come in and seized opportunities. I’m not mad at them, however the situation stinks now because some of the opportunities that middle class White, Black and Mexicans could of had are disappearing especially in the tech and healthcare industries. While America was busy giving Blacks and Mexicans a hard time, people from Asia and India were coming in thru the back door with a free pass of nobody bothering them, especially if they spent money.
Look around, who’s earning all the money and where are they from? America opened it’s doors as a melting pot to everyone of the world and one day this country will not be a country of White, Black and Mexicans, but Asian and folks from India. It’s not ok because they have their own countries no matter how F-up they are.
It’s not ok that the banks will not give a middle class Mexican or Black man loans to help further their community because America has stereotyped them to not be able to handle a business, but will open the bank account for practically any Asian or person from India (I don’t know what they call themselves, Indians?) and here they are selling in Black and Mexican communities, trying to talk, look and act like us. It sucks.
Look around, notice the actors in Hollywood now. The man of India is taking the roll of the Blackman in some cases, but what’s interesting is when I look back at old movies I see a lot of actors from India that I thought were Mexican or another nationality.
Look around, in high tech who are the players? Most of them are from India or Asia. Wait until their folks get into power to make changes for people of their countries to come into America. Even this website Medium.com an Asian guy runs it.
Look around, because the Asian man and man from India are here to stay and their bringing their families. The American dream is their reality. I’m not into politics but I’m going to side with Trump that there must be a limit to who comes into this country and from what countries.
Look around, America has changed and is changing and I bet behind the scenes White people are looking around at all this “color” and saying there’s has to limit. But the Asian and man of India will tell American White people that it’s because of them technology, America is where it is, and guess what there’s some truth to that.
Look around, and don’t believe the Census as the numbers for White and Black people are dropping out of the American race.
One day you will look around and America will be Indiasian. So yes I’m with Trump, close it down. I can talk like this because I’m not into politics nor do I have to worry about blowback because I’m not in corporate America. The writing is on the wall…
America will wake up one day as an Indiasian society, with all the tech, money and power to those that came from other countries. Yes we must all get along, but America as this melting pot for everybody in the world is going to come back and bite America in her ass, and guess what? It’s already too late.