Who Are You and What Do You Want? Do you have a purpose? Questions I ask myself…
As I keep evolving I seem to ask myself who am I and what do I want? What is my purpose? These are the questions self-improvement books and guru speakers will ask. I’ve struggled with my purpose for years and it was only until 2018 did I have an firm idea of what it was. I already knew of Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn and Napoleon Hill from years ago but had forgotten about them. However in 2018 I ran across Bob Proctor, W. Clement Stone, Jack Canfield, Frank Bettger, Marl Maltz, David Schwartz, Rev Ike, Earl Nightingale, Neville Goddard and a few others.
They all ask the same thing, “Who are you and what is your purpose?” I’ve struggled with this question because the Creator gave me a lot of “talent” in various areas. Not that I’m a specialist in any particular area, just a jack of ten trades and not a master of any. When I say not a master of any meaning I don’t have any type of educational degree. I’m a high school graduate, although I’ve gone to about 5 community colleges and have mucho credits. I never graduated because I wanted to earn money and I was always getting a “good job” so why bother. Besides some of the classes I had a problem with what was being taught and the instructors didn’t like my questions. With anthropology, archaeology, science and history the facts didn’t add up and I found myself constantly questioning what I read until this day. All someone in my life needed to say was “just play the game and get your college degree,” but I didn’t have those types in my life. If I wanted to go back to get my degree I have to deal with the courses stated above and I’m beyond that now. Plus there are a lot of successful people who didn’t graduate from college.
I’ve taught myself the skills that I have so I can always earn a living, but now I want to be rich. No more terror barrier of only earning so much. Yes I want money, but mainly because of what I can do with it. No, not travel the world as I’ve sorta done that already, I’ve been to four continents and traveled to almost every major state in America. No, not start another business I’ve had plenty of those. No, not another website. So I ask myself what? What Steph do you want and what is your purpose on planet earth?
“My purpose is to write and inspire others. What I want is my writing to be turned in to inspirational films that will make me rich”
When I type those words I think “well how am I going to inspire others when no one knows who I am?” With the books that I read and the self improvement audio that I listen to daily, I’m getting to the point where maybe I should not ask “how” but to focus on what I want to do and just do it. The guru’s say don’t ask “how” but I’m logical and want to ask how.
I’m getting emotional right now because I want to succeed and to be a success so bad in my life. I always thought I was successful and I was, but not in the bank account area. I want to be successful so that others can see that they can succeed too especially people in my family that are being left behind by technology and I can’t help them in my current state.
Maybe I can’t change the world, but maybe I can be a positive image or light that helps bring out the best in someone else no matter who they are. I know 100% that I’m destined for so much more. I’m destined to be on stage somewhere in this world talking about how I “made it” or how I “succeeded.” I want my story to be told to the world. I’m shedding tears as I write because what I feel is real. I know this world can be a better place and I want desperately to be a part of that change. I’m being very serious with no fluff or cussing to express myself.
I recently used the technique from Max Maltz the author of Cybernetics called the theatre of the mind and jumped into the future without concern whether it was real or not. My hair is cut short and I stand tall and 40 pounds lighter. I’m standing in front of a crowd that’s giving me a standing ovation with tears in their eyes. I don’t know what I’m saying to cause this reaction. I can barely talk as I hold on to the podium for stability. I finish and the film of my life begins with me stealing as a four year old child and ends with me having my voice dictated into words on a screen as large as my current living room wall and in a extremely spacious office. I’m not even typing. I say the words and they appear on the screen. I just don’t know what I’m saying….
So did I answer my own question of what do I want to do and what is my purpose? I want to say yes, but I’m lost of the words that I will say to fill a room full of people giving me a standing ovation. What am I saying and how did I get there? I have only joy in my heart and only the future will tell how it all turns out…
Thank you for reading